Set ting Up Y our V oicemail All unansw ered calls to your PCS Vision Phone are automatically transf er red to your voicemail, even if your phone is in use or tur ned off. If your phone is not activated, please refer to the Star t Here Guide included with your phone. Get ting Start ed With PCS Service Deter mining if Y our Phone is Already A ctivat ed If you received your phone in the mail or purchased it at a Sprint Store, it probably has already been activated. Section 1A Set ting Up Service In This Section Getting Started With PCS Service Setting Up Y our V oicemail PCS Account Passwords Getting Help Setting up service on your new PCS Vision Phone is quick and easy. It’s divided into four sections: Section 1: Getting Star ted Section 2: Y our PCS. Intr oduction This User’ s Guide intr oduces you to PCS Ser vice and all the f eatures of your new phone. With Spr int, you get the most complete, all-digital wireless networ k in the nation so all your services work the same wherever you go on the network. W e are committed to br inging you the best wireless technology available. W elcome to Spr int Sprint has the most complete, all-digital wireless network in the nation. 207 Acknowledging Special Precautions and the FCC Notice. Maintaining Safe Use of and Access to Y our Phone. 172 Sending a Messa ge in the Outbo x Folder.

Setting Speed Dialing for PCS Ready Link Entr ies. 127 Recording Y our Name for a Pre-Recorded Announcement. Selecting an Announcement for Screen Call. 103 Purging All Events, Call Alar ms, or T o Do List Items. 80 Prepending a Phone Number From Call Histor y. 79 Saving a Phone Number From Call Histor y. User ’ s Guide PCS V ision SM Ready Link Phone RL -4920.